facials, Skincare

6 Simple DIY Face Masks For Glowing Skin

DIY face masks

Who doesn’t want glowing, radiant skin? It’s the ultimate beauty goal, and there are plenty of products out there that promise to deliver just that. However, these products can be expensive and often contain harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good in the long run.

That’s why DIY face masks have become a popular choice for those looking to achieve a healthy, glowing complexion without breaking the bank.

If you’re new to the world of DIY face masks, don’t worry – it’s easy to get started. All you need are a few ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. Homemade face masks are a great way to pamper your skin, and the best part is that you can customize them to meet your specific needs.

Natural ingredients are gentler on the skin, less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions, and can often be more effective in treating specific skin concerns. Additionally, natural ingredients are often more sustainable and eco-friendly, as they don’t contribute to harmful chemicals being released into the environment.

Freepik | beautiful women doing a facial treatment at home

Key Ingredients Used in DIY Face Mask

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ingredients used in DIY face masks and their benefits:

  • Honey

    A natural humectant, which means it helps to lock in moisture and keep the skin hydrated. Honey also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for treating acne-prone or irritated skin.

  • Aloe Vera

    Soothing and calming, aloe vera is often used to treat sunburns and other skin irritations. It contains vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and protect the skin.

  • Yogurt

    Packed with lactic acid, which helps to gently exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which can help to balance the skin’s microbiome and improve overall skin health.

  • Oatmeal

    A natural anti-inflammatory that can help to soothe irritated or sensitive skin. Oatmeal is also rich in antioxidants and can help to reduce redness and inflammation.

  • Turmeric

    A powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric can help to brighten the skin, even out skin tone, and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

  • Green tea

    Packed with antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Green tea also contains caffeine, which can help to reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

  • Avocado

    Rich in healthy fats and vitamins A, C, and E, which help to nourish and protect the skin. Avocado also contains antioxidants that can help to fight against free radical damage.

  • Banana

    High in vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and protect the skin. Bananas also contain enzymes that can help to exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover.

  • Cucumber

    Cooling and soothing, cucumber is often used to reduce puffiness and inflammation. It contains antioxidants that help to protect the skin from damage and keep it looking youthful.

  • Egg whites

    A natural astringent that can help to tighten and firm the skin. Egg whites also contain protein, which can help to strengthen and nourish the skin.

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Let’s dive into some of the best DIY face mask recipes for glowing skin!

An antioxidant-rich diet is one of the best ways to care for your skin. Besides this, you’ve got to create the perfect daily skincare regime. To get your skin looking radiant, check out these five DIY face masks.

1. Moisturizing and Nourishing Face Mask

Dry skin can be frustrating, especially during the colder months. This DIY face mask is perfect for moisturizing and nourishing your skin.

Mix one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil in a small bowl. Apply the mixture all over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water. The honey in this mask is a natural humectant, which means it helps to lock in moisture, while olive oil is full of antioxidants and vitamin E, which help to nourish and protect the skin.

2. Soothing and Calming Face Mask

This DIY face mask is perfect for those with sensitive or irritated skin. In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of plain yogurt, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

Apply a thin layer of the mixture all over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps to gently exfoliate the skin and reduce redness, while honey is anti-inflammatory and aloe vera is soothing.

3. Exfoliating and Brightening Face Mask

If you’re looking for a face mask that will help brighten your complexion and get rid of dead skin cells, this is the one for you. In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of green tea (brewed and cooled), one tablespoon of raw honey, and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Apply the mixture all over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from damage, while honey is a natural humectant and lemon juice contains alpha hydroxy acids, which help to exfoliate the skin.

Freepik | cheerful afro american woman Green Tea mask on face

4. Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Face Mask

As we age, our skin can start to look dull and tired. This DIY face mask is packed with antioxidants to help fight against free radical damage and keep your skin looking youthful.

In a bowl, mix together one tablespoon of mashed avocado, one tablespoon of plain yogurt, and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

Apply the mixture all over your face and let it sit for 10 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Avocado is full of healthy fats and vitamins A, C, and E, which help to nourish and protect the skin, while yogurt contains lactic acid and apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH of the skin.

Freepik | Woman in Coconut and Avocado Face mask

5. Pore-tightening and Firming Face Mask

If you have oily skin or large pores, this DIY face mask is perfect for you. In a bowl, mix one egg white, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture all over your face and let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water.

Egg whites are a natural astringent, which means they help to tighten and firm the skin, while honey is a natural humectant and lemon juice helps to brighten the skin.

6. Cucumber Face Masks Recipe

Cucumber face masks are a great option for those looking to hydrate, soothe, and refresh their skin. Cucumbers contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy, glowing skin. Here’s how to make a simple cucumber face mask at home:


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


    1. Peel the cucumber and slice it into small pieces.
    2. Place the cucumber pieces in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
    3. Add one tablespoon of honey to the mixture and stir well.
    4. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area.
    5. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.
    6. Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
    7. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.
Freepik | Woman in Cucumber Face Mask

Freepik | Woman in Cucumber Face Mask

Tips For Applying DIY Face Mask

When it comes to applying DIY face masks, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure that you get the most out of your mask and avoid any potential irritation or side effects. Here are some tips for applying DIY face masks:

  1. Cleanse your face before applying the mask

    It’s important to start with a clean slate when it comes to applying any kind of skincare product, including face masks. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil from your skin before applying the mask.

  2. Apply the mask evenly

    Use a clean brush, your fingers, or a spatula to apply the mask evenly over your face. Be sure to avoid the eye area and any other sensitive areas of the skin.

  3. Leave the mask on for the recommended amount of time

    Most DIY face masks should be left on for 10-20 minutes, but be sure to follow the specific instructions for the mask you’re using. Leaving the mask on for too long can cause irritation or dryness, so it’s important to stick to the recommended time.

  4. Rinse off with lukewarm water

    After the recommended time has passed, rinse off the mask with lukewarm water. Be sure to use gentle, circular motions to remove the mask, taking care not to rub the skin too aggressively.

  5. Follow up with toner, serum, and moisturizer

    After rinsing off the mask, it’s important to follow up with a toner to restore the skin’s pH balance, a serum to target specific skin concerns and a moisturizer to lock in hydration and keep the skin looking and feeling healthy.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your DIY face mask is effective and safe to use and that your skin is left looking and feeling its best.

You might also want to read: Best Moisturizing Creams for Healthy Skin

Wrapping Up

DIY face masks are a great way to pamper your skin at home without spending a fortune on expensive products. All of the ingredients in these masks are natural and safe for your skin, so you can feel good about what you’re putting on your face.

Try incorporating a homemade face mask into your skincare routine once or twice a week for glowing, radiant skin!